(Logo: http://www.newscom.com/cgi-bin/prnh/20081203/LAW048LOGO-b)
As a top-fifty ranked ecommerce site and a top-five online music network, LiveNation.com already is a premier destination for live music fans to connect with the artists they love. The suite of new open features announced today places much of the site’s content into the hands of the community of fans and artists at LiveNation.com.
Some of the new features launched include: -- The ability for artists and fans to upload their own concerts to LiveNation.com, enabling these events to be searched and to appear side-by-side with the biggest artists and concerts in the world. -- A robust set of fan-generated content modules, including concert and artist-specific wikis, ratings and reviews, fan moderated Q&As, and integrated Twitter streams. -- Facebook Connect integration which enables fans to share and discover concert information and to identify friends in their network who are going to a show. -- A comprehensive and comparable listing of concerts and primary ticket inventory.
"We have the most passionate consumers in the world," said Michael Rapino, President and Chief Executive Officer of Live Nation. "By opening up our site to fans and artists alike, we are building a powerful community that reinforces the ecommerce components of our business. We can’t wait to see how fans participate."
These new fan-centric features expand on the successful initiatives LiveNation.com has already launched, including a fan-friendly purchase guarantee and the Live Nation Open API, which is now used by more than 1,000 web developers to integrate and build upon Live Nation’s content.
Live Nation partners including Bazaaroice, Sociable and ThrillCall contribute technology and data to a number of the launched features.
Live Nation’s mission is to maximize the live concert experience. Our core business is producing, marketing and selling live concerts for artists via our global concert pipe. Live Nation is the largest producer of live concerts in the world, annually producing over 22,000 concerts for 1,600 artists in 33 countries. During 2008, the company sold over 50 million concert tickets and drove over 70 million unique visitors to LiveNation.com. Live Nation is transforming the concert business by expanding its concert platform into ticketing and building the industry’s first artist-to-fan vertically integrated concert platform. The company is headquartered in Los Angeles, California and is listed on the New York Stock Exchange, trading under the symbol LYV. For additional information about the company, please visit www.livenation.com/investors.
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Photo: http://www.newscom.com/cgi-bin/prnh/20081203/LAW048LOGO-b
PRN Photo Desk, [email protected]
SOURCE: Live Nation